I know a few people who have done well selling things on the internet. They give the people what they want
and folks support them for doing that. Since I was setting up my own website, it seemed to me that I should
place a few good items for sale. Take a look through the following areas and you will see things which you surely just
can't live without possessing. Now I wouldn't want to over reach or take advantage of anyone who unduly influenced by
me, so please feel free to get such advice and counsel as to any purchase as you may desire.
Please feel free to purchase or not purchase. Items here are for the general public and not particularly designed
for any of Basil's clients or former or future clients. Some links are to third party sites which have interesting items
for sale. If you like something, buy it. If you don't want to buy it, I hope you enjoyed shopping and maybe you
know someone who would enjoy owning it.
Please bear with me for a couple of months. My efforts at the moment are concentrated on the practice of law and
establishing general information on the various pages of this site. It is an ambitious undertaking, but I will have
fine items here before long. When you send e-mail to me you will cause the message to be written to a hard drive
and you agree that will be your writing.
I am looking at western art at the moment and should have bronze statuary here shortly. This store will always
be a work in progress. Please feel free to let me know if you have or find beautiful objects and items which might be
of interest.
Thank You,
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Basil L. Hoyl, Jr. * Attorney and Counselor at Law
Title Texas * 4001 Airport Freeway, Suite 190
Bedford * Texas * US * 76021
(817) 685-0555 tel * (817) 267-4114 metro * (817) 685-0593 fax