Full Name: | |
E-Mail Address and telephone: | |
What type of service did you use and when
did you use it? | |
Describe your experience with services
provided by this office. | |
Compared to other lawyers
or title companies I have personally used, you were: | Much better than the other services. |
Better than the other services. |
A better value than the other services. |
Good services, but more expensive. |
One or two things need improvement to compare favorably. |
My experience was better elsewhere. |
I haven't had personal experience, but from general knowledge, you are a better value. |
I haven't had personal experience, but from general knowledge, I expected more. |
How would you rate your general
satisfaction? | A - Pleased |
- Satisfied |
C - Services need improvement. |
D - I had problems with the service which were resolved. |
F - Please see my written comment for details. |
What were the areas you would most like
to see improved? | |
What aspects did you like the most about
your experience? | |
Was there a particular person who especially
made your experience better, and how? | |
Would you use this office
again? | Yes |
Maybe |
No |
Would you refer a friend to
this office? | Oh, Very Yes: I would enthusiastically refer a friend or my company business. |
Yes, I would refer a friend or my company business. |
No |
I would have paid more and been happier
if you would have: | |
I would have been happier if I paid less
for: | |
I need a will. | |
I haven't paid my entire bill yet, but I know that
I can still call about legal matters if I need legal services. | |
Mark all of the following which describe you: Returning
Legal Client | |
I hired the lawyer for the specific service discussed. | |
I referred the client or customer to your office. | |
I am a real estate broker or agent. | |
I am a lawyer. | |
I am with a lender. | |
I bought real estate and received a title policy. | |
I sold real property with a title policy. | |
I (or my friend or family) was on the opposing side
of a legal matter you handled. | |
I am an independent third party. | |
How did you come to use our services?
Who referred you? | |
I am a personal friend or relative of: | |